This film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Akimoto Shimachi. Okada Junichi will play the role of former criminal police officer and Gao Zhaowu who infiltrates the underworld. After losing his lover, Jian Gao couldn't extricate himself and fell into an abyss. Becoming a person who lives for revenge. The police used his mental state to forcibly infiltrate the underworld Kentai Sakaguchi
This film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Akimoto Shimachi. Okada Junichi will play the role of former criminal police officer and Gao Zhaowu who infiltrates the underworld. After losing his lover, Jian Gao couldn't extricate himself and fell into an abyss. Becoming a person who lives for revenge. The police used his mental state to forcibly infiltrate the underworld Kentai Sakaguchi