"Heavenly Fire" is an adaptation of the original work "Shilongba". It tells the story of how in 1908, the Yunnan Vietnam Railway was built in Kunming, and French colonialists prepared to build a hydroelectric power station in Kunming. Chinese local officials Liu Chengguang, patriotic figures Zuo Yuxuan, Shen Zhongda, and others fought against the colonialists, going through difficulties and eventually
"Heavenly Fire" is an adaptation of the original work "Shilongba". It tells the story of how in 1908, the Yunnan Vietnam Railway was built in Kunming, and French colonialists prepared to build a hydroelectric power station in Kunming. Chinese local officials Liu Chengguang, patriotic figures Zuo Yuxuan, Shen Zhongda, and others fought against the colonialists, going through difficulties and eventually