Thief Xiao Shiyilang (played by Wu Qilong) takes a series of actions with his childhood friend Feng Siniang (played by Ma Yashu) in order to steal the martial arts artifact Deer Cutting Blade. During the actions, the young master of the horse farm, Yang Kaitai (played by Wan Hongjie), gradually falls in love with Feng Siniang. Xiao Shiyilang and the world's most beautiful woman, Shen Bijun (played by Zhu Yin)
Thief Xiao Shiyilang (played by Wu Qilong) takes a series of actions with his childhood friend Feng Siniang (played by Ma Yashu) in order to steal the martial arts artifact Deer Cutting Blade. During the actions, the young master of the horse farm, Yang Kaitai (played by Wan Hongjie), gradually falls in love with Feng Siniang. Xiao Shiyilang and the world's most beautiful woman, Shen Bijun (played by Zhu Yin)