In the TV series "Red Treasure", led by Qin Genchang, played by Qi Kui, a soldier is responsible for transferring a treasury of the National Bank located in Suoyang, as well as important account books, seals, and currency templates. However, they are blocked by the Guangdong army in Suoyang. This event marks the beginning of the TV series, and its plot is closely linked to a rare red themed TV series
In the TV series "Red Treasure", led by Qin Genchang, played by Qi Kui, a soldier is responsible for transferring a treasury of the National Bank located in Suoyang, as well as important account books, seals, and currency templates. However, they are blocked by the Guangdong army in Suoyang. This event marks the beginning of the TV series, and its plot is closely linked to a rare red themed TV series