This drama is set against the backdrop of warlord chaos and global unrest. The pharmaceutical merchant Lei Tianyou's family is prosperous, with a wealthy family on his side. He originally wanted three half siblings to work together to inherit a prosperous family, but to his surprise, the three brothers are not comrades and are flesh and blood compatriots. Why do they want to go their separate ways? Why do they want to turn against each other as enemies? Why do they want to take revenge
This drama is set against the backdrop of warlord chaos and global unrest. The pharmaceutical merchant Lei Tianyou's family is prosperous, with a wealthy family on his side. He originally wanted three half siblings to work together to inherit a prosperous family, but to his surprise, the three brothers are not comrades and are flesh and blood compatriots. Why do they want to go their separate ways? Why do they want to turn against each other as enemies? Why do they want to take revenge