The sequel to the military sitcom "The Story of College Student Soldiers" tells the story of several college student soldiers who grew up in the military. After the end of the new recruits, Wang Dalei, Wei Yuxiu, Yu Feng, and Sun Dapeng went to work as maintenance soldiers. Jin Ziyang and Xu Shuai stood at the guard company for a year, while Laixi's on-site service company chased birds for a year. To enrich the machine
The sequel to the military sitcom "The Story of College Student Soldiers" tells the story of several college student soldiers who grew up in the military. After the end of the new recruits, Wang Dalei, Wei Yuxiu, Yu Feng, and Sun Dapeng went to work as maintenance soldiers. Jin Ziyang and Xu Shuai stood at the guard company for a year, while Laixi's on-site service company chased birds for a year. To enrich the machine