The 24 episode Love Legend and Emotional Drama "Flower Basket and Flower Fragrance" tells the story of several different women in the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region during the Anti Japanese War, each with different moods, who enter the revolutionary team. Under the influence of the personality power of the male protagonist Zhou Yunbiao in the drama, they develop sincere love for her. However, in the face of national righteousness,
The 24 episode Love Legend and Emotional Drama "Flower Basket and Flower Fragrance" tells the story of several different women in the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region during the Anti Japanese War, each with different moods, who enter the revolutionary team. Under the influence of the personality power of the male protagonist Zhou Yunbiao in the drama, they develop sincere love for her. However, in the face of national righteousness,