Princess Huaiyu (played by Zheng Jiayu) is a girl unexpectedly adopted by Qing Dynasty general Fu Zheng. Her true identity is the daughter of Ming Dynasty's deceased emperor Yongli. On the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) when Huaiyu was 18 years old, she and her sister-in-law Cheng Ying (Yu Jiahui) disguised as men and went out on a trip. They unexpectedly met Wu Yingxiong (Wang Hao), Wu Sangui's son, and
Princess Huaiyu (played by Zheng Jiayu) is a girl unexpectedly adopted by Qing Dynasty general Fu Zheng. Her true identity is the daughter of Ming Dynasty's deceased emperor Yongli. On the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) when Huaiyu was 18 years old, she and her sister-in-law Cheng Ying (Yu Jiahui) disguised as men and went out on a trip. They unexpectedly met Wu Yingxiong (Wang Hao), Wu Sangui's son, and