Suzuki Sakiko (played by Satomi Nishida) is a girl who has always been interested in money since childhood. After graduating from junior high school, she was idle at home. Her family's joke of "if you love money, go to the bank to work" actually prompted her to look for a job at the bank. Not long after, Sakiko was disheartened to find that although he spent his days with money, none of them belonged to him
Suzuki Sakiko (played by Satomi Nishida) is a girl who has always been interested in money since childhood. After graduating from junior high school, she was idle at home. Her family's joke of "if you love money, go to the bank to work" actually prompted her to look for a job at the bank. Not long after, Sakiko was disheartened to find that although he spent his days with money, none of them belonged to him