The TV series "Er Ni's Mountain Village Dream" tells the story of the various obstacles and difficulties that Liang Er Ni, the secretary of the small mountain village branch, encountered after taking office. In her work, she is not afraid of power and bravely fights against local ruffians and ruffians; Selflessly selling unsold apples to villagers; Solidly work hard to revitalize the rural tourism industry; Unite with the village committee and lead the masses to become prosperous.
The TV series "Er Ni's Mountain Village Dream" tells the story of the various obstacles and difficulties that Liang Er Ni, the secretary of the small mountain village branch, encountered after taking office. In her work, she is not afraid of power and bravely fights against local ruffians and ruffians; Selflessly selling unsold apples to villagers; Solidly work hard to revitalize the rural tourism industry; Unite with the village committee and lead the masses to become prosperous.