The drama tells the story of several surviving independent camp soldiers, including Jiang Xueyuan, Niu Shengli, Dong Lianshan, Chu Changde, and Guan Kui, who fought bravely and tenaciously on the land of Zhaozhou in Northeast China during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. They engaged in guerrilla warfare with the Japanese army in enemy occupied areas and eventually welcomed the War of Resistance Against Japan
The drama tells the story of several surviving independent camp soldiers, including Jiang Xueyuan, Niu Shengli, Dong Lianshan, Chu Changde, and Guan Kui, who fought bravely and tenaciously on the land of Zhaozhou in Northeast China during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. They engaged in guerrilla warfare with the Japanese army in enemy occupied areas and eventually welcomed the War of Resistance Against Japan