In the 1930s, in Northeast China, Yu Xue (played by Shi Lanya), a red song prostitute known as the "flower of Manchuria", sang in restaurants during the day but was plagued and ravaged by the Japanese at night. Just as he was being brutally abused by the Japanese military police captain Miyamoto, patriotic young man Xie Fei (played by Yang Xiaodan) promptly rescued Yu Xue and shot Miyamoto,
In the 1930s, in Northeast China, Yu Xue (played by Shi Lanya), a red song prostitute known as the "flower of Manchuria", sang in restaurants during the day but was plagued and ravaged by the Japanese at night. Just as he was being brutally abused by the Japanese military police captain Miyamoto, patriotic young man Xie Fei (played by Yang Xiaodan) promptly rescued Yu Xue and shot Miyamoto,