The Jinghai Procuratorate Reporting Center received a mysterious reporting call, leaving only one account. Prosecutor Ma Xiangchun handed over this case to the newly appointed Chief Prosecutor of the Anti Corruption Bureau's Investigation Department, Zhong Lijian, and his assistants Chen Xiaoyue and Ren Xiao. The investigation found that there were 4 million deposits in Goping's account. Jin Kai's General Manager needs to
The Jinghai Procuratorate Reporting Center received a mysterious reporting call, leaving only one account. Prosecutor Ma Xiangchun handed over this case to the newly appointed Chief Prosecutor of the Anti Corruption Bureau's Investigation Department, Zhong Lijian, and his assistants Chen Xiaoyue and Ren Xiao. The investigation found that there were 4 million deposits in Goping's account. Jin Kai's General Manager needs to