"It's Men's Walk Forward" is directed by renowned director Zhou Yaojie and tells the story of three men's tragic and joyful lives. Private business owner Tong Shuchang, played by Feng Yuanzheng, was sentenced to five years in prison for violations and other behaviors. After being released from prison, he moved into his father Tong Guangda's house with the intention of making a comeback. Farmer Yang Daming (played by Qin Weidong) goes to the city to search
"It's Men's Walk Forward" is directed by renowned director Zhou Yaojie and tells the story of three men's tragic and joyful lives. Private business owner Tong Shuchang, played by Feng Yuanzheng, was sentenced to five years in prison for violations and other behaviors. After being released from prison, he moved into his father Tong Guangda's house with the intention of making a comeback. Farmer Yang Daming (played by Qin Weidong) goes to the city to search