Tong Xiangyu (voiced by Yan Ni), as the shopkeeper of Tongfu Inn, has an extraordinary background and an unknown past. She is observant and listens to everything, and is smooth in dealing with people without losing her sense of propriety. She is a boss who can control the overall situation. Bai Zhantang (voiced by Sha Yi) was once a legendary thief in the martial arts world, but now Jin Pan
Tong Xiangyu (voiced by Yan Ni), as the shopkeeper of Tongfu Inn, has an extraordinary background and an unknown past. She is observant and listens to everything, and is smooth in dealing with people without losing her sense of propriety. She is a boss who can control the overall situation. Bai Zhantang (voiced by Sha Yi) was once a legendary thief in the martial arts world, but now Jin Pan