This drama is adapted from the novel of the same name by Yuriko Kitagawa. Through the final journey, it delves into the theme of "why life is alive" and tells the story of Satsuma Lu, who was once a surgeon but suddenly became unable to pick up a surgical knife. Later, due to psychological problems, he was transferred to the internal medicine department. Among hospitalized patients, Narase Sho has been declared to be nearing his life expectancy, and Lu is him
This drama is adapted from the novel of the same name by Yuriko Kitagawa. Through the final journey, it delves into the theme of "why life is alive" and tells the story of Satsuma Lu, who was once a surgeon but suddenly became unable to pick up a surgical knife. Later, due to psychological problems, he was transferred to the internal medicine department. Among hospitalized patients, Narase Sho has been declared to be nearing his life expectancy, and Lu is him