Alice Eyre (played by Xia Yuqiao) and Little Raspberry (played by Wu Yingjie), who went to Japan to work as AV actresses, unfortunately encountered the "cold winter of the AV world" and had no money to earn. The two had to give up their lives and return to Taiwan. By chance, they joined a wrestling club and became acquainted with wrestling masters (played by Huang Xindi). After experiencing numerous challenges
Alice Eyre (played by Xia Yuqiao) and Little Raspberry (played by Wu Yingjie), who went to Japan to work as AV actresses, unfortunately encountered the "cold winter of the AV world" and had no money to earn. The two had to give up their lives and return to Taiwan. By chance, they joined a wrestling club and became acquainted with wrestling masters (played by Huang Xindi). After experiencing numerous challenges