"The Great Wall of the Giant Soldiers" is an animated work that has been meticulously polished over a period of three years in the anime industry. Produced by Youku, Two Point Ten, and Electric Animation, it will be released simultaneously by Youku and Kaku Children's on January 19th. It tells the story of a wolf (Ono) adopted by herbivores. With a single heart dreaming of becoming a god, Ono
"The Great Wall of the Giant Soldiers" is an animated work that has been meticulously polished over a period of three years in the anime industry. Produced by Youku, Two Point Ten, and Electric Animation, it will be released simultaneously by Youku and Kaku Children's on January 19th. It tells the story of a wolf (Ono) adopted by herbivores. With a single heart dreaming of becoming a god, Ono