"A You's Worries (II)" tells the story of an ordinary young child named A U in Hangzhou. He is lively, clever, curious about the world, and willing to explore more unknown fields. He has several friends with different personalities, such as Lan Yinbo, who loves kung fu, Pang Dongdong, who is simple and easy-going, and Ah Mei, who is understanding. These children come from different families
"A You's Worries (II)" tells the story of an ordinary young child named A U in Hangzhou. He is lively, clever, curious about the world, and willing to explore more unknown fields. He has several friends with different personalities, such as Lan Yinbo, who loves kung fu, Pang Dongdong, who is simple and easy-going, and Ah Mei, who is understanding. These children come from different families