The story tells of four young musicians, including Xi Yunhu, Dong Xingao Long, Nan Gongyan, and Xuanwu Thirteen, who grow up to become little heroes. Xiyunhu has a rational and calm personality, Dongxing Aolong is mischievous and lively, Xuanwu Thirteen is quiet and reserved, and Nangong Yan is innocent and lively, daring to take action. They showcase their divine power in the sky, clouds, and stars, relying on their wit, kindness, kindness, and loyalty
The story tells of four young musicians, including Xi Yunhu, Dong Xingao Long, Nan Gongyan, and Xuanwu Thirteen, who grow up to become little heroes. Xiyunhu has a rational and calm personality, Dongxing Aolong is mischievous and lively, Xuanwu Thirteen is quiet and reserved, and Nangong Yan is innocent and lively, daring to take action. They showcase their divine power in the sky, clouds, and stars, relying on their wit, kindness, kindness, and loyalty