The Hong Kong TV series "The New Chameleon" produced by Li is a sequel to the 1978 TV series "The Chameleon" produced by Li. Directed by Li Zhaoxiong, starring Pan Zhiwen and then Kuang Zhili. It premiered on August 6, 1979, airing every Monday to Saturday for six consecutive days. The main actors of "The Chameleon" are Deng Biyun
The Hong Kong TV series "The New Chameleon" produced by Li is a sequel to the 1978 TV series "The Chameleon" produced by Li. Directed by Li Zhaoxiong, starring Pan Zhiwen and then Kuang Zhili. It premiered on August 6, 1979, airing every Monday to Saturday for six consecutive days. The main actors of "The Chameleon" are Deng Biyun