The story takes place in Hong Kong in the early 1970s, where A Ying (played by Guan Yonghe) has just lost his job and is in a state of panic at a loss. Through the introduction of her friend Ashu (played by Tang Yingying), Aying came to Dongsheng Theater and became a ticket seller. Aying worked diligently and diligently, and soon got the job of her boss Arun (played by Wu Qi)
The story takes place in Hong Kong in the early 1970s, where A Ying (played by Guan Yonghe) has just lost his job and is in a state of panic at a loss. Through the introduction of her friend Ashu (played by Tang Yingying), Aying came to Dongsheng Theater and became a ticket seller. Aying worked diligently and diligently, and soon got the job of her boss Arun (played by Wu Qi)