The new story of "A Family Says Two Words" by famous actors Hou Yong, Yue Hong, and Huo Zhengyan has attracted widespread attention. And for the first time, Huo Zhengyan played a villainous role, portraying Hou Yong as the avenger of his father's death from childhood to adulthood in the drama, and making every effort to turn him into a notorious revenge youth. Huo Zhengyan's performance, both righteous and evil, made Da
The new story of "A Family Says Two Words" by famous actors Hou Yong, Yue Hong, and Huo Zhengyan has attracted widespread attention. And for the first time, Huo Zhengyan played a villainous role, portraying Hou Yong as the avenger of his father's death from childhood to adulthood in the drama, and making every effort to turn him into a notorious revenge youth. Huo Zhengyan's performance, both righteous and evil, made Da