The content of this drama revolves around an interesting story happening around a group of radio station staff. One station director Zhang Luo Yongqin (played by Xue Jiayan) and two station directors Gao Baotian (played by Li Xiaotian) have always been at odds. Tian Pai's nephew, Gao Qiyi (played by Chen Shanhe), went to work as a record jockey on a radio station as his spy against Qin. Three girls, Zhang Jiawen(
The content of this drama revolves around an interesting story happening around a group of radio station staff. One station director Zhang Luo Yongqin (played by Xue Jiayan) and two station directors Gao Baotian (played by Li Xiaotian) have always been at odds. Tian Pai's nephew, Gao Qiyi (played by Chen Shanhe), went to work as a record jockey on a radio station as his spy against Qin. Three girls, Zhang Jiawen(