Xiao Xiao (played by Lin Pintong) is a girl who lives in her own world. Due to a heart wrenching secret, she is bullied and isolated by her classmates at school. Her mother, Wei Fang (played by Chen Yihan), also sees her as a trouble. Her father, who works abroad for a long time, looks more like a stranger who is both familiar and distant, except for class leader Paul (played by Liu Junqian)
Xiao Xiao (played by Lin Pintong) is a girl who lives in her own world. Due to a heart wrenching secret, she is bullied and isolated by her classmates at school. Her mother, Wei Fang (played by Chen Yihan), also sees her as a trouble. Her father, who works abroad for a long time, looks more like a stranger who is both familiar and distant, except for class leader Paul (played by Liu Junqian)