This drama tells the story of Yunze (Ulanfu) and a group of outstanding Mongolian youth of his age in the early 1920s, starting from the perspective of national liberation, gradually seeking the great process of Marxism, as well as the development of ethnic minority work at the beginning of the founding of our party. Comrades Li Dazhao, Zhao Shiyan, Deng Zhongxia, and others have a deep understanding of Mongolia
This drama tells the story of Yunze (Ulanfu) and a group of outstanding Mongolian youth of his age in the early 1920s, starting from the perspective of national liberation, gradually seeking the great process of Marxism, as well as the development of ethnic minority work at the beginning of the founding of our party. Comrades Li Dazhao, Zhao Shiyan, Deng Zhongxia, and others have a deep understanding of Mongolia