Chu Sheng (played by Lv Yunfeng) follows Qin San Ye (played by Guo Jiulong) in the northeast to work as a white-collar worker, delivering funerals and funerals to various deceased people. During this process, many strange funeral stories have emerged. As a professional white-collar worker, Chu Sheng and Lin journalist who came to explore the mysteries together visit the people and experience one bizarre and eerie experience after another
Chu Sheng (played by Lv Yunfeng) follows Qin San Ye (played by Guo Jiulong) in the northeast to work as a white-collar worker, delivering funerals and funerals to various deceased people. During this process, many strange funeral stories have emerged. As a professional white-collar worker, Chu Sheng and Lin journalist who came to explore the mysteries together visit the people and experience one bizarre and eerie experience after another