This drama brings out a chivalrous legend story through a relaxed and humorous form. The Buddha's Palm is the supreme martial arts skill. After defeating Tian Canjiao with this, Long Jianfei retired from the martial arts world and prohibited the descendants of the Long family from learning martial arts to avoid being involved in martial arts in the world. He also collected the secret collection. Seventy years later, his descendants, Long Jiansheng (Guan Lijie)
This drama brings out a chivalrous legend story through a relaxed and humorous form. The Buddha's Palm is the supreme martial arts skill. After defeating Tian Canjiao with this, Long Jianfei retired from the martial arts world and prohibited the descendants of the Long family from learning martial arts to avoid being involved in martial arts in the world. He also collected the secret collection. Seventy years later, his descendants, Long Jiansheng (Guan Lijie)