"The Perfect Match of Crispy Heart Tang" tells the story of popular girl group idol Tang Su who is misunderstood for hiding and unexpectedly becomes the personal nanny of entertainment group president Huangfu Jue after gaining 50 pounds. Unexpectedly, the blind faced Huangfu Jue is the number one black fan of idol Tang Su! Www.liuse.cc, so the two of them staged a thrilling Er Ha Ba Zong performance
"The Perfect Match of Crispy Heart Tang" tells the story of popular girl group idol Tang Su who is misunderstood for hiding and unexpectedly becomes the personal nanny of entertainment group president Huangfu Jue after gaining 50 pounds. Unexpectedly, the blind faced Huangfu Jue is the number one black fan of idol Tang Su! Www.liuse.cc, so the two of them staged a thrilling Er Ha Ba Zong performance