The NHK River drama of 2013 has not yet been aired, and it is currently under planning for 2014. The 2014 Dahe Drama is still set against the backdrop of the tumultuous Warring States period and tells the story of the struggle of warlords in turbulent times. It is reported that the protagonist of this game, Kuroda Gunbei, is played by Okada Junichi, who belongs to the idol group V6. The production of the play
The NHK River drama of 2013 has not yet been aired, and it is currently under planning for 2014. The 2014 Dahe Drama is still set against the backdrop of the tumultuous Warring States period and tells the story of the struggle of warlords in turbulent times. It is reported that the protagonist of this game, Kuroda Gunbei, is played by Okada Junichi, who belongs to the idol group V6. The production of the play