This drama is adapted from a Korean manga and tells the story of Youxiang, who lost her father at a young age. Her mother's care nurtured her spirit of dedication, leading her to dream of establishing a happy family. She marries Nakamura Mitsuxing from her family and voluntarily donates her liver to her mother-in-law. However, she discovers that her marriage is designed for organ transplantation and she is forced to divorce during pregnancy and raise her child alone. stay
This drama is adapted from a Korean manga and tells the story of Youxiang, who lost her father at a young age. Her mother's care nurtured her spirit of dedication, leading her to dream of establishing a happy family. She marries Nakamura Mitsuxing from her family and voluntarily donates her liver to her mother-in-law. However, she discovers that her marriage is designed for organ transplantation and she is forced to divorce during pregnancy and raise her child alone. stay