The original work is from the manga of the same name by Shin Kui, which was adapted into an animated film by Ghibli. This film has added subsequent original storylines on the basis of the original work; Although the movie is an original story, it faithfully reproduces the worldview of the original work, telling the story of how the story in the original work, after 10 years, becomes an adult's "雫" and "Saint Si". Jing
The original work is from the manga of the same name by Shin Kui, which was adapted into an animated film by Ghibli. This film has added subsequent original storylines on the basis of the original work; Although the movie is an original story, it faithfully reproduces the worldview of the original work, telling the story of how the story in the original work, after 10 years, becomes an adult's "雫" and "Saint Si". Jing