The drama tells the story of Lin Weixu, a daughter and elder sister of the Daqin Kingdom. She meets a small shark who is being chased and beaten by an enemy country while trying to escape. She is kind enough to rescue him, but is eventually betrayed. Looking at the beautiful face of the country and its people, as well as the blue eyes of the sea, she has a twisted mind and keeps him in her own mansion. From then on, a very ambiguous scene occurs
The drama tells the story of Lin Weixu, a daughter and elder sister of the Daqin Kingdom. She meets a small shark who is being chased and beaten by an enemy country while trying to escape. She is kind enough to rescue him, but is eventually betrayed. Looking at the beautiful face of the country and its people, as well as the blue eyes of the sea, she has a twisted mind and keeps him in her own mansion. From then on, a very ambiguous scene occurs