Jiang Xianyu (played by Chi Cheng), the son of the President of the Global Group, is a highly anticipated heir to the group. However, he is determined to pursue his dream of learning photography. Yoon Soo jin (played by Lee Po ying), the only daughter of the financial giant Seoul Financial President, and Hyun woo are childhood sweethearts. Soo jin has always loved Hyun woo deeply, but Hyun woo only treats her as
Jiang Xianyu (played by Chi Cheng), the son of the President of the Global Group, is a highly anticipated heir to the group. However, he is determined to pursue his dream of learning photography. Yoon Soo jin (played by Lee Po ying), the only daughter of the financial giant Seoul Financial President, and Hyun woo are childhood sweethearts. Soo jin has always loved Hyun woo deeply, but Hyun woo only treats her as