Yao Guozhen, a film art director who has previously directed five films and is a well-known MV director for Wei Ruxuan, released her first short film work "Family" this year and will meet the audience for the first time at the Taipei Film Festival. The film invited Liao Qingsong and Mayday Axin to work together to produce, while the versatile singer and director Liu Ruoying took on the main role alone throughout the entire film. She was in a closed loop
Yao Guozhen, a film art director who has previously directed five films and is a well-known MV director for Wei Ruxuan, released her first short film work "Family" this year and will meet the audience for the first time at the Taipei Film Festival. The film invited Liao Qingsong and Mayday Axin to work together to produce, while the versatile singer and director Liu Ruoying took on the main role alone throughout the entire film. She was in a closed loop