Mandarin Chinese, National Language (note: Mandarin Chinese is often referred to as the National Language in China)
The story of "Deep Mansion" revolves around a secret in a large mansion in old Huizhou. The female protagonist Bai Yulan, played by Qin Lan, meets and falls in love with the young talent Lin Wenlong. However, due to Lin Wenlong's "mother" Zheng Peipei's love for money, they forcefully break up the couple, who should have been a masterpiece. Magnolia finally became separated from her lover due to various misunderstandings
The story of "Deep Mansion" revolves around a secret in a large mansion in old Huizhou. The female protagonist Bai Yulan, played by Qin Lan, meets and falls in love with the young talent Lin Wenlong. However, due to Lin Wenlong's "mother" Zheng Peipei's love for money, they forcefully break up the couple, who should have been a masterpiece. Magnolia finally became separated from her lover due to various misunderstandings