The TV series "Tianliang" takes the Republic of China as the historical background and takes place in a small town in the south. It tells the story of several young people from different backgrounds who make different choices in the face of fate. Throughout it is the love between the daughter of the landlord, Nu Tianliang (played by Fu Jing), and the son of a wealthy family, Zeng Guangnian (played by Huang Jue)
The TV series "Tianliang" takes the Republic of China as the historical background and takes place in a small town in the south. It tells the story of several young people from different backgrounds who make different choices in the face of fate. Throughout it is the love between the daughter of the landlord, Nu Tianliang (played by Fu Jing), and the son of a wealthy family, Zeng Guangnian (played by Huang Jue)