Poor siblings, Yanzi (played by Peng Yurou) and Xiaoshi (played by Wang Tianze), experienced the greatest sorrow of their lives at a young age, losing their parents on the same day. The siblings, who have wiped away their tears, choose to be strong and set off to Xiangyang Village to seek refuge with their grandmother (played by Zhao Haiyan). On a grandmother who is alone, weak and sickly
Poor siblings, Yanzi (played by Peng Yurou) and Xiaoshi (played by Wang Tianze), experienced the greatest sorrow of their lives at a young age, losing their parents on the same day. The siblings, who have wiped away their tears, choose to be strong and set off to Xiangyang Village to seek refuge with their grandmother (played by Zhao Haiyan). On a grandmother who is alone, weak and sickly