The ancient immortal drama "Legend of the Eight Immortals" launched by Minshi TV, starring Wang Genghoo, Wang Meixue, Li Fangwen, Chen Yizhen, Chen Junsheng, Xu Xiunian, You Yaoguang, Lin Youxing, Chen Wenshan, Zheng Pingjun, Zuo Xiaohu, Wang Qi, and others, is a story about Taiwanese folk immortals and ghosts, as well as how the Eight Immortals became immortals and how they robbed the rich to help the poor before becoming immortals
The ancient immortal drama "Legend of the Eight Immortals" launched by Minshi TV, starring Wang Genghoo, Wang Meixue, Li Fangwen, Chen Yizhen, Chen Junsheng, Xu Xiunian, You Yaoguang, Lin Youxing, Chen Wenshan, Zheng Pingjun, Zuo Xiaohu, Wang Qi, and others, is a story about Taiwanese folk immortals and ghosts, as well as how the Eight Immortals became immortals and how they robbed the rich to help the poor before becoming immortals