The film tells the story of a puppet troupe actor named Sega who was about to marry his fianc é e Ubisoft during the Republic of China era. However, he died that night after bringing a mysterious puppet home, suspected of committing suicide. Ubisoft, who was saddened but refused to accept the closure of the suicide case, and police officer Asamoto, who was skeptical about the situation, decided to continue investigating the cause of Sega's death. There were many clues
The film tells the story of a puppet troupe actor named Sega who was about to marry his fianc é e Ubisoft during the Republic of China era. However, he died that night after bringing a mysterious puppet home, suspected of committing suicide. Ubisoft, who was saddened but refused to accept the closure of the suicide case, and police officer Asamoto, who was skeptical about the situation, decided to continue investigating the cause of Sega's death. There were many clues