"Dragon Flying and Phoenix Dance" is a Taiwanese TV drama, which was produced by People's Television after "Feng Shui Family" as an eight o'clock drama series. The drama features Yu Bingyan and Fang Xin as the male and female protagonists, with Wang Jianfu, Dexin, Ke Shuyuan, Yushang, Qiu Longjie, Zhou Chenda, Fu Zichun, Ye Huan, Chu Xuan, Wang Can, Lin Jiayou, Xiao Minqian, Hua Qianhan, and Lin Ze as the main characters
"Dragon Flying and Phoenix Dance" is a Taiwanese TV drama, which was produced by People's Television after "Feng Shui Family" as an eight o'clock drama series. The drama features Yu Bingyan and Fang Xin as the male and female protagonists, with Wang Jianfu, Dexin, Ke Shuyuan, Yushang, Qiu Longjie, Zhou Chenda, Fu Zichun, Ye Huan, Chu Xuan, Wang Can, Lin Jiayou, Xiao Minqian, Hua Qianhan, and Lin Ze as the main characters