The story follows the development of the previous episode. After getting rid of the Demon Lord, Sun Tong (played by Guo Jin'an) married Qiu Jingjing (played by Yang Ling). However, on the day of their marriage, Qiu Jingjing was captured by the River Demon. Although he survived, he had a golden lock on his foot that would grow bigger and ultimately endanger his life. In order to save his wife, Ri Tong and Yue Tong (Zhang Wei)
The story follows the development of the previous episode. After getting rid of the Demon Lord, Sun Tong (played by Guo Jin'an) married Qiu Jingjing (played by Yang Ling). However, on the day of their marriage, Qiu Jingjing was captured by the River Demon. Although he survived, he had a golden lock on his foot that would grow bigger and ultimately endanger his life. In order to save his wife, Ri Tong and Yue Tong (Zhang Wei)