"Superb Detective" depicts two close friends, Chen Yixian (played by Guo Jin'an) and Fang Zhiqiang (played by Liu Ximing), who joined forces and were admitted to the police academy. They were later distributed to the same unit for service. Johnson is kind-hearted and has no ulterior motives, but he has principles in handling things and is unwilling to go with the flow, so he has been repeatedly rejected by colleagues in the bureau. And
"Superb Detective" depicts two close friends, Chen Yixian (played by Guo Jin'an) and Fang Zhiqiang (played by Liu Ximing), who joined forces and were admitted to the police academy. They were later distributed to the same unit for service. Johnson is kind-hearted and has no ulterior motives, but he has principles in handling things and is unwilling to go with the flow, so he has been repeatedly rejected by colleagues in the bureau. And