Ding Changwang (played by Guo Jin'an) was originally the son of the wealthy family member Qingfeng (played by Yuan Hua), a ninth generation single descendant. Due to Awang's illegitimate birth, the original wife was very jealous and drove away her pregnant mother. Qingfeng's nephew, Dafu, was eyeing his uncle's property and took the initiative to kill Wang's mother. Awang, on the other hand, was beaten to amnesia, and Dafu came to find him
Ding Changwang (played by Guo Jin'an) was originally the son of the wealthy family member Qingfeng (played by Yuan Hua), a ninth generation single descendant. Due to Awang's illegitimate birth, the original wife was very jealous and drove away her pregnant mother. Qingfeng's nephew, Dafu, was eyeing his uncle's property and took the initiative to kill Wang's mother. Awang, on the other hand, was beaten to amnesia, and Dafu came to find him