Living (played by Zheng Jiaying) is a zombie hunter with an immortal body. He hides his true identity and hopes to one day capture the zombie Ling Feng (played by Chen Shancong) who has a century old grudge against him. He Nian (played by Huang Younan), He Yue (played by Chen Jiabao), and Jian Tingsi (played by Lu Yong) are living disciples,
Living (played by Zheng Jiaying) is a zombie hunter with an immortal body. He hides his true identity and hopes to one day capture the zombie Ling Feng (played by Chen Shancong) who has a century old grudge against him. He Nian (played by Huang Younan), He Yue (played by Chen Jiabao), and Jian Tingsi (played by Lu Yong) are living disciples,