The urban beauties Zhao Chen (played by Yuan Quan), Gu Lihong (played by Wu Yue), and Ye Mao (played by Jiang Zhuqing), who are nearing their thirties, work as reporters at the newspaper and are known as the "three sets of carriages". One day, Gu Lihong was the first to announce that she was going to marry her long-time boyfriend Song Haidong (played by Jiang Wu), and the other two admired her for daring to intervene
The urban beauties Zhao Chen (played by Yuan Quan), Gu Lihong (played by Wu Yue), and Ye Mao (played by Jiang Zhuqing), who are nearing their thirties, work as reporters at the newspaper and are known as the "three sets of carriages". One day, Gu Lihong was the first to announce that she was going to marry her long-time boyfriend Song Haidong (played by Jiang Wu), and the other two admired her for daring to intervene