"Star Wishing Pool" is a new variety show launched by Formosa Television in 2021. The hosts of the show are Sun Xiezhi and Wang Renfu, and the regular cast of artists includes Da Fei, Ah Hu, Wish, Xia Yutong, Qiang Qiang, and Liu Jifan (Amanda). The production team for the program is Liqun Film and Television (formerly known as the Happiness Defense War production team)
"Star Wishing Pool" is a new variety show launched by Formosa Television in 2021. The hosts of the show are Sun Xiezhi and Wang Renfu, and the regular cast of artists includes Da Fei, Ah Hu, Wish, Xia Yutong, Qiang Qiang, and Liu Jifan (Amanda). The production team for the program is Liqun Film and Television (formerly known as the Happiness Defense War production team)