This drama tells the legendary story of Ning Wushu, a martial arts thief who grew up in the country of Yue Nv, and his companion Miao Kongkong, who accidentally gets involved in a conspiracy crisis while robbing the rich to help the poor and fighting for justice. They meet and get to know the princess of the country of Yue Nv, and together they rescue the people, fight against evil forces, and resolve the national disaster crisis, becoming truly chivalrous heroes who serve the country and the people.
This drama tells the legendary story of Ning Wushu, a martial arts thief who grew up in the country of Yue Nv, and his companion Miao Kongkong, who accidentally gets involved in a conspiracy crisis while robbing the rich to help the poor and fighting for justice. They meet and get to know the princess of the country of Yue Nv, and together they rescue the people, fight against evil forces, and resolve the national disaster crisis, becoming truly chivalrous heroes who serve the country and the people.