The film of the same name, adapted from the novel "A Certain Man" by Kiichiro Hirano, has been officially announced. It will be starring his wife Toshio Kishi, Sakura Ando, Masao Wada, and is expected to be released in Japan in 2022. The protagonist of the story is a lawyer named Shigeru Naruto, who receives a commission from Ms. Rizhi Taniguchi - her husband, Daisuke Taniguchi, is on a mission
The film of the same name, adapted from the novel "A Certain Man" by Kiichiro Hirano, has been officially announced. It will be starring his wife Toshio Kishi, Sakura Ando, Masao Wada, and is expected to be released in Japan in 2022. The protagonist of the story is a lawyer named Shigeru Naruto, who receives a commission from Ms. Rizhi Taniguchi - her husband, Daisuke Taniguchi, is on a mission