High school student Pu Yiyong (played by Zeng Jinghua) fell into a coma after being hit by a car accident on the brink of life and death. Upon waking up, he unexpectedly possessed superpowers, and his once boring life underwent a revolutionary change. Together with rookie female police officer Chen Chuying (played by Song Yunhua) and campus arch nemesis Cao Guangyan (played by Peng Qianyou), he embarked on a journey
High school student Pu Yiyong (played by Zeng Jinghua) fell into a coma after being hit by a car accident on the brink of life and death. Upon waking up, he unexpectedly possessed superpowers, and his once boring life underwent a revolutionary change. Together with rookie female police officer Chen Chuying (played by Song Yunhua) and campus arch nemesis Cao Guangyan (played by Peng Qianyou), he embarked on a journey